Why do I need this?
focus on the body, where your spiritual truth and trauma intersect.
It is hard to access subconscious material, awareness of it usually comes in indirect, creative ways.
Think of it as a hands-on meditation. If you are learning to meditate and struggling to be still, cranial sacral work is right for you. Practice with me, and soon, you will be building the neural pathways that allow stillness and mindfulness. It will be more accessible on your own.
Expanded consciousness -Drug free!
It is possible to access the invisible world without take substances. It may be energy, memories formed before the rational brain and language developed, or the state of relaxed but alert consciousness that allows you to see the interconnectedness of all things.
Somatic healing
Dive into the body, Under the programming of language. My approach to somatic work stems from my early imprints and attachment training. We focus on sensations- how our body and subconscious speak to us. But we always keep an eye on safety and the present.
Mind-body connection
There is an intelligent way to bring harmony to your inner and external worlds. The reality of what is happening out there or what has happened to you is malleable. It is all about the relationship we create with it. Our bodies reflect our emotions, perceptions, and experiences.
How does the body hold memories?
I use my skills to notice energy: It is an invisible but palpable way to get relevant information about our connection in the moment. Nervous system activations are usually messages from our earlier, more vulnerable selves. They start in the body. We focus on the body.
Shadow work, Rituals & traditional healing
Shadow work is attachment therapy. It is about forgiveness and acceptance. It’s about parenting ourselves. Together, we practice being present and kind to our unacknowledged parts. I model parenting as it is needed and will not hesitate to bring movement or the energy of my own nervous system activation (i.e., protection= Bringing the essence, the felt sense, feeling the heat of it).
Explore closeness
There is something about touch that goes deep. My many professional trainings give me a solid base to build safety and explore closeness. The goal is healing, which is having options. We all got hurt in relationships. Relationships have the power to heal us..
This work is subtle and profound. Transformation happens - You will know. We are dealing with what we see and what we can’t see.
The body is at the intersection of the invisible world and material world: It is our window into spirituality - You will know.
This work is spiritual. If you slow down and connect with your body (and nature), you connect with the higher intelligence that created and is orchestrating this life. It has the power to heal. Most of us need a little help to remember how to get there.