Craniosacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy and Visionary Craniosacral Work®
Craniosacral Therapy relaxes the nervous system, lessens physical pain, and increases mental clarity. The gentle touch provides a gateway to a profoundly resetting experience. It creates a body-centered mindful state. In this open state, and with biofeedback from my hands, the body realizes its unbalances and becomes able to correct itself.
Benefits include Reduced physical pain and increased range of motion, deep relaxation and regenerative sessions, and increased awareness of health and sense of direction in life.
Pre- and Peri-Natal support
Early imprints and pre-verbal memory repair
Pre and Perinatal work is the most efficient modality I have come across to change lifelong patterns. This work is worth exploring if you feel stuck. Early trauma memories are often overlaid with feelings of helplessness, disempowerment, and lack of resilience. I use my extensive understanding of early needs to repair the places where connection and trust got broken. The lower brain, where such early trauma is stored, doesn’t know the difference between past and present. The goal is to use intervention wisely as a means to rewrite history.
Trauma Resolution
The body keeps the score. Your body holds the memory of past traumatic events. It also has the capacity to cycle out of this trauma. Do not stay stuck trauma and the limiting beliefs associated with it when simple mindfulness techniques can free the path forward. I love this work because it liberates lots of life energy, joy, capacity for love and creativity.
Boundaries as a point of connection.
Embark on a practical yet playful journey of self-discovery. This workshop is designed to help you uncover your proper boundaries. Hint: Your body knows.
April 5th, 1 pm to 4pm.
I focus on the body
I focus on the body, and I bring healing in the present. Why a somatic approach? Because our earliest memories, deepest limitations live in the body, and because healing through some non-verbal reparative experiences is powerful and always possible
Slow down.
Be present.
Receive a combination of craniosacral therapy and energy healing which help you access a deep calm state where the healing you really need happens.
Choose to release trauma and the deep subconscious pattern that got imprinted pre-verbally.
Gently renegotiate any birth trauma by allowing the body to release with attuned support.